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Reading Your Cards:
An Anthology by Spell Jar Press

Open for Submissions:
September 1st - November 30th.

Two Pieces by Daniel Niv


You can see from our working title that this time around, we are taking a lighter approach to our new anthology. 

If you’ve ever used Tarot cards or had your cards read, you’ve run into this conundrum.  “Do I discount this as not for me or could it possibly be exactly for me?”  We’ve all been there.  Whether cards or a word from a friend or confidant, if it twangs that little string in our chest, the self-argument ensues! 


We are looking for pieces, either humorous or serious, about that time in your life when you realized the universe was “reading your cards” and you weren’t quite sure what to do with it.  Did you ignore it or heed it?  What is the advice you never took? What was the result?  We are often seeking advice in this life, but do we know it when we hear it? We want to see your poems, short fiction, short non-fiction and print art depicting that time!


For those who know and love Tarot, feel free to showcase your favorite card or short reading in your piece(s).  Either Major or Minor Arcana, we look forward to reading about your experiences. 


For those who don’t, tell us about that hard advice or message in your life that turned the tables or made you scratch your head!


This is our third anthology!  In keeping with our theme, three is an interesting number in numerology and Tarot. Three is the number of magnetic creativity!  That’s a perfect theme for this collection. In Tarot, the three in the four suits ranges from taking steps toward a new prospect or goal to accepting that you already know where you’re going and it’s time to plan your steps. These are all perfect denominators for what we want to see in this new endeavor. 


If you’ve worked with us before, welcome back; if you have not, welcome and we’re looking forward to getting to know you and your art.


Please see below for our submission guidelines.

Submission Guidelines

​We are seeking your most loved and unpublished work for this anthology and look forward to reading it! We are accepting: poetry, flash fiction, flash non-fiction, spells, photos, and print art.

You can submit to more than one genre, up to 5 pieces for each. A piece of prose can be up to 5 pages, and a poem no longer than 3 pages. 

Please make sure to attach a short bio in the third person and a black-and-white photograph.

The reading fee is  $5.00 per submission, paid via: 

Please feel free to write to us if you do not have the means to pay.

Paypal will allow you to send the payment together with a message; please write your name, so we can connect between your submission and the payment.

Please submit your written entries in a Word file & and photos and art in jpeg/gif format) to: The subject line should say: “Your Name – Reading Your Cards – Genre.”


Our response time is between 2-6 weeks. 

We accept simultaneous submissions but ask that you let us know as soon as possible if your piece is no longer available. 

If you get published with us - All rights revert back to you upon publication. If you publish the piece elsewhere in the future, we only ask that you credit us as the original publisher. 


As we get closer to the publication date, we will want to look at submitted artwork for use on the cover.  The chosen artist will be compensated with a copy of the anthology.


We are excited about this original offering and hope that with a little love and attention from us all, it will be successful enough to allow us to cover our costs and pay contributors in the future. At the moment, we offer each contributor one copy of the anthology at print cost + shipping. 


We hope that we can all create something beautiful together; a home for magickal works, a community that is open and accepting.


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